A language truly for beginners.

Starting on november 5, 2024. Me and my team will start work on ashok. A new coding language designed to be easily used by anyone.

The language will run on a intrepretor powerd by Ai. We dream to create a coding language that only uses numbers and english language.

By writting instructions for the computer in english, It will interpret it using the Ai to output the desired result.

Soon programers wont have to spend hours on end trying to remember syntaxes as ashok aims to be a language that dosent require any syntax.

Upon the completion of the project it will launched at beta stage online for free aswell as used in schools across the globe to help young students to get an indept concept on programing.

The ai would be created through the use of python. Incoprating many API as built in features.

Me and my team are still very small and looking for volunteers who wish to help revolutionize the world.

If intrested you can send me an email at